Reception Locations
Great Room
Woo Sky
Starfish Bloo
- Max. 150 guests
- Restaurant/Room/Terrace
- No View
- Ground/Sea-level
- Indoor (Aircon)
- Party until 10:00 PM
- Round tables recommended
- After party after 10pm can be conducted at out Woo Base, located at Woo Bar area with minimum spending requirement
- Max. 100 guests
- Restaurant/Room/Terrace
- Water (Ocean/River)
- Ground/Sea-level
- Outdoor (Uncovered)
- Party until 10:00 PM
- Acoustic bands are allowed but sound level is under management control
- The music from the nearby Woobar may be heard from here
- DJ is not permitted
- Buffet style receptions only
- After party after 10pm can be conducted at out Woo Base, located at Woo Bar area with minimum spending requirement
- Perfect view-point for fireworks
- Max. 250 guests
- Restaurant/Room/Terrace
- Water (Ocean/River)
- Ground/Sea-level
- Outdoor (Covered)
- Party until 10:00 PM
- Buffet style only
- Acoustic band is permitted but sound level is under management control
- DJ is not permitted
- Perfect view-point for fireworks
- After party after 10pm can be conducted at out Woo Base, located at Woo Bar area with minimum spending requirement